The New Online Recruitment Platform – WhichEmployer
As organizations realize that its people are its most important resource, recruitment is becoming a key focus area. And while there’s a lot of unemployed or underutilized talent around, finding the right person for the right job is not easy. What this basically means is that there’s a lack of a perfect platform where the recruiters can convey exactly the kind of candidates they are looking for vis. a vis. the job profile and the organizational culture and which makes finding the perfect job opportunity easier for the job seekers.
Well, all that is set to change with the launch of Whichemployer.com, a single window solution for employers looking to hire best available talent. Our recruitment website has been designed after a thorough research into the needs of recruiters and using the latest web design technology. Let’s take a look at some of its features:
Advertise your vacancies online:
- Whichemployer allows recruiters to advertise their vacancies online by choosing a recruitment package based on the urgency of filling a position, recruitment strategy, and their recruitment budget. Package features include targeted emails to a set of suitable candidates, pre-screening questions for filtering out candidates who do not the bill at an early stage, social media job posts, etc.
Show; don’t tell with your video profile:
- Our website allows recruiters to best use the available technology to build their employer brand among today’s tech-savvy and demanding job seekers. At Whichemployer, you can not only put up your company profile and logo, but also upload a video that showcases the organization’s values, workplace culture, amenities, a day in the life of your existing employees and employee testimonials. After all, to attract the best talent, you must show that you are the best employer.
Interactive job map:
- Whichemployer also features an interactive job map which allows the job seekers to check out where an organization has jobs available. This feature helps both the recruiter and the job seeker as there are no location related issues to be sorted out once the interview process begins.
Mobile friendly site:
- Our website is a light, mobile friendly site that allows candidates to look at your job listings on the go using their tabs and smart phones. It allows the job seekers to apply as soon as they see a suitable job, in turn helping recruiters sorting out the applicants, beginning the interview process and closing the vacancies that much sooner.
Whichemployer has benefits for both the parties involved: the job seeker and the recruiter. While it makes it easier for the job seekers to find and apply to relevant jobs with its live filtering and searching options, it provides recruiters with a big pool of suitable candidates to choose from. This translates into a perfect match between the job and the candidate thus minimizing the chances of disappointment later on for either side. We know that organizations incur huge recruitment costs to attract the most fitting candidate and we want to do our best to ensure that their money is well spent.